Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Magic Number: 33

I can't believe it's almost over. It seemed like just yesterday we were in country #1. Today we're in #33. That's right, in just 71 days, we visited 33 different countries. And it's been fantastic! Mainly for my own amusement, I'd like to list all of them in chronological order for you:

  1. USA
  2. Norway
  3. Sweden
  4. Finland
  5. Estonia
  6. Latvia
  7. Lithuania
  8. Uzupis
  9. Poland
  10. Hungary
  11. Slovakia
  12. Austria
  13. Slovenia
  14. Croatia
  15. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  16. Montenegro
  17. Italy
  18. Tunisia
  19. Malta
  20. San Marino
  21. Switzerland
  22. Liechtenstein
  23. Germany
  24. France
  25. Czech Republic
  26. Spain
  27. Gibraltar (UK)
  28. Morocco
  29. Portugal
  30. Luxembourg
  31. Belgium
  32. Iceland
  33. Greenland (Denmark)
There they are! Currently, we're back in Reykjavik. Tomorrow, we'll have one more adventure: a whirlwind tour of geysers, waterfalls, lava, etc.

Thursday, we'll be back in Minnesota. We've decided that Kate Barnett will be in charge of our transportation from the airport (I don't know if she knows this yet). So, contact her if you would rather pick us up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the wonderful updates! I really enjoyed reading about your adventure! I'm sure you will be busy unpacking, sleeping, going through mail...but just to let you know, Josh and I will be in town for the State Fair Friday, and part of Saturday. Let me know if you're up for lunch or something!
Welcome Home!!